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Svartpilen 401

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  • Base Price: 51,800.00 CNY*

Svartpilen 401 外形粗犷刚毅,拥有无可辩驳的吸引力。驱车游走于都市边缘,前方不平整的柏油路毫不影响纵情驰骋的快意。车身搭载的发动机轻巧强劲,能在小径灵活穿梭,游刃有余地应对各种地形。

  • PHO_BIKE_90_RE_svartpilen401-china-spec_#SALL_#AEPI_#V1.png

Svartpilen 401 外形粗犷刚毅,拥有无可辩驳的吸引力。驱车游走于都市边缘,前方不平整的柏油路毫不影响纵情驰骋的快意。车身搭载的发动机轻巧强劲,能在小径灵活穿梭,游刃有余地应对各种地形。

The Specs

01. The Specs

The Specs

Engine + Gearbox

The Svartpilen 401 is powered by a modern 373cc single-cylinder engine that is remarkably compact. With 37Nm of torque from low down in the RPM range and a 6-speed gearbox, it is perfect for urban riding. The electronic fuel injection is operated by a ride-by-wire system and delivers a controlled and refined power. With a peak horsepower of 32 kW (44 hp), the SVARTPILEN is accessible to a wide variety of riders, while its lightweight construction means the power-to-weight ratio will also excite more experienced riders. For added convenience, the gearbox is linked to an easy shift sensor which allows the rider to make seamless up and down shifts without the use of the clutch. The sensor works by relaying the moment the rider actuates the gear lever to the ECU which in turn matches engine parameters to allow a simple gear change at any RPM or engine load.


The trellis frame is central to the Svartpilen 401 character and agility. Made from high strength chromium molybdenum steel using hydro formed tubes and robot welding, the frame is not only strong but also lightweight ensuring nimble handling and detailed feedback to the rider. Designed with specific flex characteristics, the frame works in harmony with the WP suspension to offer a comfortable and confident feel combined with a tight turning circle for ease of use in urban environments. The optimized subframe is extended by 40 mm for improved comfort when accompanied by a pillion rider.


Svartpilen 401 配备按最高标准制造的液压 ByBre 制动钳,辅以 320 mm 前部和 230 mm 后部穿孔式离合器钢片,提供可控且可靠的制动性能。此外,Svartpilen 401 使用最先进的 Bosch ABS 系统,在各种条件下制动时均可确保最高安全等级。


Svartpilen 401 上的 WP 悬挂按照严格标准制造,可确保最高水平的质量和工艺。前悬挂采用 43 mm 开放套筒前叉,后悬挂则采用直连后摇臂的渐进式阻尼系统。高品质组件为穿梭于繁忙都市街道提供理想的动态操控。

The Specs

Engine + Gearbox

The Svartpilen 401 is powered by a modern 373cc single-cylinder engine that is remarkably compact. With 37Nm of torque from low down in the RPM range and a 6-speed gearbox, it is perfect for urban riding. The electronic fuel injection is operated by a ride-by-wire system and delivers a controlled and refined power. With a peak horsepower of 32 kW (44 hp), the SVARTPILEN is accessible to a wide variety of riders, while its lightweight construction means the power-to-weight ratio will also excite more experienced riders. For added convenience, the gearbox is linked to an easy shift sensor which allows the rider to make seamless up and down shifts without the use of the clutch. The sensor works by relaying the moment the rider actuates the gear lever to the ECU which in turn matches engine parameters to allow a simple gear change at any RPM or engine load.
The Specs


The trellis frame is central to the Svartpilen 401 character and agility. Made from high strength chromium molybdenum steel using hydro formed tubes and robot welding, the frame is not only strong but also lightweight ensuring nimble handling and detailed feedback to the rider. Designed with specific flex characteristics, the frame works in harmony with the WP suspension to offer a comfortable and confident feel combined with a tight turning circle for ease of use in urban environments. The optimized subframe is extended by 40 mm for improved comfort when accompanied by a pillion rider.
The Specs


Svartpilen 401 配备按最高标准制造的液压 ByBre 制动钳,辅以 320 mm 前部和 230 mm 后部穿孔式离合器钢片,提供可控且可靠的制动性能。此外,Svartpilen 401 使用最先进的 Bosch ABS 系统,在各种条件下制动时均可确保最高安全等级。
The Specs


Svartpilen 401 上的 WP 悬挂按照严格标准制造,可确保最高水平的质量和工艺。前悬挂采用 43 mm 开放套筒前叉,后悬挂则采用直连后摇臂的渐进式阻尼系统。高品质组件为穿梭于繁忙都市街道提供理想的动态操控。

02. The Lines


删繁就简、返璞归真,延续历代经典理念,同时融入现代设计。Svartpilen 401 与 Husqvarna Motorcycles 的瑞典传统殊途同归。轻便的窄版车身是 Svartpilen 401 的优秀设计之一,能让车手在驾驶期间流畅自如地动作。深邃的配色、粗犷的轮胎和保护部件令整车外形颇为硬朗,契合车型都市探险的设计初衷。


17" 轮辋是 Svartpilen 401 的设计亮点。轮辋带来与众不同的时尚气质,同时非常坚固强韧,在应对不可预知的高难度城市地形时确保高度可靠。

Controlzone + Triple Clamp

越野式手把和立管连接至新颖的锻造铝联板,位于 Svartpilen 401 控制区中央位置。为贴合回归本色的简约外观,控制区并未以整流罩遮挡,仅配有包含必要信息的数字显示单元。


大灯和尾灯是 Svartpilen 401 上彰显个性的元素,采用最新 LED 技术,不仅体现设计师的匠心,更能在都市环境提供一流照明性能和清晰视野。


Svartpilen 401 的坐垫采用高品质发泡填充和皮革面料,尽管外观简约,仍能确保骑行舒适度。坐垫从主车身自然延伸至后轮上方悬空,是 Svartpilen 401 上历久弥新的设计,同时带来独一无二的驾乘体验。

Tank + Filler Cap

铝合金加油盖带有 Husqvarna Motorcycles 大气徽标,如同为油箱加上优异品质图章,沉静内敛而难掩锋芒。Svartpilen 401 油箱配有标准行李架,可携带轻量行李,为出行增添便利,亦诠释城市探险家桀骜不驯的风貌。


删繁就简、返璞归真,延续历代经典理念,同时融入现代设计。Svartpilen 401 与 Husqvarna Motorcycles 的瑞典传统殊途同归。轻便的窄版车身是 Svartpilen 401 的优秀设计之一,能让车手在驾驶期间流畅自如地动作。深邃的配色、粗犷的轮胎和保护部件令整车外形颇为硬朗,契合车型都市探险的设计初衷。


17" 轮辋是 Svartpilen 401 的设计亮点。轮辋带来与众不同的时尚气质,同时非常坚固强韧,在应对不可预知的高难度城市地形时确保高度可靠。

Controlzone + Triple Clamp

越野式手把和立管连接至新颖的锻造铝联板,位于 Svartpilen 401 控制区中央位置。为贴合回归本色的简约外观,控制区并未以整流罩遮挡,仅配有包含必要信息的数字显示单元。


大灯和尾灯是 Svartpilen 401 上彰显个性的元素,采用最新 LED 技术,不仅体现设计师的匠心,更能在都市环境提供一流照明性能和清晰视野。


Svartpilen 401 的坐垫采用高品质发泡填充和皮革面料,尽管外观简约,仍能确保骑行舒适度。坐垫从主车身自然延伸至后轮上方悬空,是 Svartpilen 401 上历久弥新的设计,同时带来独一无二的驾乘体验。

Tank + Filler Cap

铝合金加油盖带有 Husqvarna Motorcycles 大气徽标,如同为油箱加上优异品质图章,沉静内敛而难掩锋芒。Svartpilen 401 油箱配有标准行李架,可携带轻量行李,为出行增添便利,亦诠释城市探险家桀骜不驯的风貌。

Technical Details


  • 齿轮箱 6 档
  • 冷却 液冷
  • 功率 (KW) 32 kW
  • 启动器 电启动器
  • 冲程 60 mm
  • 缸径 89 mm
  • 离合器 PASC™ 防颠离合器,机械操纵
  • CO2 emissions 77 g/km
  • 压缩比 12.6
  • 排量 373 cm³
  • EMS Bosch EMS
  • 设计 单缸四冲程发动机
  • 燃油消耗量 3.6 l/100 km
  • 燃料混合物生成 Bosch 电喷(油门阀 46 mm)
  • 润滑 带 2 个油泵的加压润滑


  • 未加油重量 152 kg
  • 油箱容量(约) 9.5 l
  • 轴距 1357 mm
  • ABS 系统 two channel Bosch 10.1MB
  • 前轮制动盘直径 320 mm
  • 后轮制动盘直径 230 mm
  • 前轮制动 四活塞径向固定卡钳
  • 后轮制动 单活塞浮动式卡钳
  • 链条 X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"
  • 车架设计 铬钼合金管式立体车架,粉末涂层
  • 前悬挂 WP APEX 43
  • 离地间隙 120 mm
  • 手把 钢制,锥形 Ø 26/22 mm
  • 后悬挂 WP APEX - Monoshock
  • 座高 810 mm
  • 消音器 底层不锈钢前消音器,结合含三元催化器的吸收式铝消音器
  • 转向柱角度 65 °
  • 后副车架设计 铬钼钢管式立体车架,粉末涂层
  • 悬挂行程(前) 120 mm
  • 悬挂行程(后) 120 mm
  • 轮辋 压铸铝轮辋