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Up north you won't find any signs telling you you've arrived, just endless miles of rugged terrain and epic scenery.

The human spirit is constantly searching for new experiences, new places to explore and new ways to grow. It’s in our DNA to never be still and from the moment we put our trust in the north, we have been able to explore further. Progress has accelerated. Now, thanks to those early pioneers, the whole world is our playground.


Husqvarna Motorcycles’ new travel machine pays tribute to the bearing that injected the spirit of travel into so many of us. Join Lyndon Poskitt on a journey north to the arctic circle as he discovers the Norden 901



Lyndon Poskitt is a renowned world traveller. In 2013, he kick-started his long-held dream of riding and racing on each of the six populated continents. He covered over 245,000 km on his world trip through 70 countries and raced in 11 competitions along the way, all on a bike he developed himself. He has released over 200 episodes in his video series, which has reached millions of viewers. Today, as the Norden 901 ambassador, Lyndon has a desire to continue travelling and to share his knowledge and experience with others.

The Norden 901

Inspired by the north, built for the world.

N57º 47’12.577” E14º 17’1.082”

A new journey begins

A new journey with old origins

Life itself is a journey and like all adventures, it has to start somewhere. Our story began here in the small town of Huskvarna more than one hundred years ago, and marks the beginning of a new journey north with the Norden 901.

As Lyndon clicks into gear and leaves the original Husqvarna factory behind him, you can’t help but get a sense of just how far the brand has come. The Norden 901 is at the absolute cutting edge of progression, but the obvious technological advancements seem secondary to the passion and pride that this part of Sweden has for the brand.  

To get a real sense of the passion that still fuels Husqvarna Motorcycles today, Lyndon heads to Arne’s garage to meet some of the most enthusiastic brand loyalists out there. Witnessing first hand the heritage that defined Husqvarna Motorcycles as the pioneers of motocross, it’s easy to see that the Norden 901 will carry this spirit far into the future. 

“It was truly inspiring to witness the passion these guys still have for the brand and how excited they were to see the Norden 901.”

Lyndon Poskitt

Lyndon Poskitt

“His passion was so infectious. I'm even more motivated now.”

N57°33'3.077" E13°21'59.199"

Off the beaten track

It doesn't take long before an adventure is testing the outer boundaries of your comfort zone. It’s often in these moments that the story really starts to unfold. Turning off the main road onto a historic ‘oxabanan’ trail, the path soon becomes deep sand. 


This is where the challenge increases, but so does the fun!


No matter how experienced we are, we always think we know how deep a puddle actually is.




Whether you have a destination in mind or are just riding for the sake of adventure, escape is often a top travel priority. The further off the beaten track you go, the more liberating the journey starts to feel. For Lyndon, the journey has only just begun, but the trail soon forces him to get to grips with the Norden’s offroad capabilities. You are sure to encounter a few surprises on every journey and you should be ready for them. 

N58°25'31.48" E11°14'56.053"

Midnight sunsets




See what we can sea

When you’re enjoying the journey, hours pass by almost unnoticed. Although late in the day, Lyndon pushes on towards the coast to catch a midnight sunset over the North Sea. Getting to the shoreline becomes a real test of the Norden’s WP suspension. The full range of its travel is called into action over rocks and rugged terrain to reach the water’s edge. In this case, however, the extra effort was well rewarded.

"It’s finding views like this that motivates me to keep travelling." - Lyndon Poskitt

Lyndon Poskitt

Sometimes I just pick a point on the GPS, choose the most direct way to get there, and see what the trail throws at me. ”

N58°51'57.943" E12°24'9.656"

At home far from home

Comfortable wherever the trail leads

Heading north, carving through the corners on the scenic Brudfjällsvägen road, the Norden 901 is planted and expressly agile. Intent on taking the most direct route north, the trail soon leads Lyndon off the tarmac and into the wilderness on the TET (Trans European Trail). A quick toggle between ride modes and the Norden feels equally comfortable on these more challenging dirt tracks. 

Out here, a wide network of dirt roads and trails seems to head off in all directions. A feeling of remoteness creeps in and you soon realise there is more chance of seeing a moose than another vehicle. The untouched and wild terrain is a stark reminder that the comforts of urban life are far behind you - yet Lyndon and the Norden 901 seem perfectly at home. 

At this stage of the journey, Lyndon has had plenty of time to get acquainted with his machine. With the seat in its highest position and the handlebars adjusted forward, his six-foot two stature has moulded comfortably into the Norden’s well-shaped ergonomics. 



“Out on the trail I may be lost in my thoughts, but I always find my way.”

Lyndon Poskitt

Lyndon Poskitt

“The more you travel, the more you learn to trust your instincts.”

N65°5'25.528" E14°27'33.399"

A worthy detour

Follow the locals

The real gems on any journey are often well-hidden secrets reserved for locals only. After hearing about an incredible scenic route from a knowing traveller, Lyndon decides to deviate from his northerly bearing in search of this highly recommended panoramic loop. The detour would add an extra 600 km, but as the torquey parallel-twin powered up the pass and above the tree line, the most epic scenery revealed itself.  

With miles and miles of epic mountain roads and mind-blowing views, a little thumbs up from Lyndon confirmed that this was the type of landscape every traveller dreams of. Seeing the Norden accelerate off into the distance on the empty, snow-lined stretch of road made it clear that this was the place that inspired its name. 

Shaped by distinct origins where only the toughest and smartest solutions endure the rugged northern landscape. The Norden 901 is inspired by the north and built for the world. 

N67°43'3.338" E17°28'11.414"

The Arctic Circle

Where one story ends, another begins

Having previously ridden into the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Lyndon’s goal was to travel north to discover this region on the European continent. Crossing over the 66°30’ N line of latitude meant ‘mission accomplished’ for the renowned world traveller, but the work wasn’t over for the Norden just yet. Its agility was once again called upon to negotiate tightening switchbacks and random herds of seemingly lost reindeer. 

Riding along the edge of Akkajaure See, the landscape becomes ever more rugged and barren, yet indescribably beautiful. Here it really feels like you have left civilization behind. Taking time to find the perfect spot, Lyndon sets up camp. Sitting back to appreciate the view that two-wheeled travel has afforded him, Lyndon takes a moment to reflect on an epic journey, before casting his mind to where the road will lead him next. 

Travelling is a full sensory experience.

Fresh fish on an open fire, a local beer, and a view that money can’t buy. That’s what we travel for! That’s why we ride.  

Trust in the north


Watch Lyndon Poskitt travel through the landscape that inspired our new travel machine.