La Vitpilen 801 es una roadster muy capaz y dinámica que ofrece una experiencia de pilotaje incomparable. Con un diseño inspirado en la herencia sueca de la marca, esta moderna motocicleta de bella factura se caracteriza por su faro con lente de proyector LED, que incorpora un anillo luminoso circular para un aspecto inconfundible. El motor bicilíndrico en paralelo de 105 CV ofrece un rendimiento puro, con múltiples ayudas electrónicas al piloto que adaptan la entrega de potencia para una configuración personalizada. La capacidad de personalización se extiende a las suspensiones WP premium ajustables y a la posibilidad de elegir hasta cuatro modos de conducción que garantizan que la Vitpilen 801 sea accesible para una amplia gama de pilotos.
El recientemente coronado Campeón de España de E2 pone el broche de oro a su temporada 2024 imponiéndose en su categoría en la multitudinaria Enduroc 2024.
By Kenneth Olausson The epidemic moped flue in the 1950s resulted in big sales volumes for Husqvarna. By 1954, the Swedes had sold 25,000 units. Mind you, the first batch of the Novolette was a mere transporter and did not appeal to youngsters. Hence, the marketing folks came up with the idea to flirt with the up-and-coming generation to boost turnover. And what better way was there than appealing to those representing the future? Manufactured in red and silver, this frightful beast had the ability to do 30 km/h. That was the law, and it gave every young man - no, there weren't any females owning this wonder machine - an incentive to circumvent the rules and tune the power source into oblivion. Meaning the "Blöjpilen" would do speeds up to 40 km/h, occasionally 45 km/h.
By Kenneth Olausson On a murky autumn day in 1980, a Swedish photographer made a highly unusual discovery. Getting rid of his waste in a nearby recycling area, Ludde De Geer found a huge batch of photos in the form of old glass-negatives. It took him 25 years and some new technology to save his ‘catch of the year’. Among the shots was an epic Christmas show Husqvarna photograph from 1934…